Hiii.. everyone!!! I smell Christmas thing around, hm.. so warm and so Christmas. Wooo hoo!!!
how about in your home? are all ready? Oh i think it's not too early to prepare. Christmas tree, foods, beverages, hot chocolate, cake, candies and also dress... but the most important is prepare your HEART, because JESUS was born to live in our HEART eternally.. Merry Christmas people!!
Better a handful with quietness Than both hands full, together with toil and grasping for the wind. -Ec 4:6 -
Sebenernya ini mau jadi entry buat IF, tapi kayaknya aku salah mengartikan. Yang dimaksud disana malah vanity yang berarti kesombongan bukan kesia-siaan. Yowslah.. buat apdet2 blog.
"Menghidupi fakta sebagai milikNYA is the BEST way. Ketaatan dan penundukan diri serta keterbukaan terhadap kehendakNYA itu yang diperlukan." *mudah berucap sulit dilakukan, tapi karena segala sesuatu adalah anugrah jd BISA!
..she's my pal.. several years ago we're belong to Vegaretro Club (doh!) hahaa. but now, we're TAghether finishing our duty, TATAraaa...TAraaaaaaa... You can meet her on hers blog !