Monday 22 November 2010

Mary Jane

Mary Jane is a shepherd. She takes care of her sheeps responsibility. Someday, dry season comes longer than usually. This attacks her sheeps. So, she is watching of sheeps more carefully.

 She prays to God to save her sheeps in the night. She loves her sheeps so much.

She always learns about Sheep by a book. So, she is able to know about sheeps in order to takes care her sheeps well.
God is good. HE gives rain drop to earth, so many plants can grow and many livestock can drink.
Mary Jane was so happy. She gets a word by God and she knows that God's vows are impossible to be broken.


  1. ahh, so cute and touching. :*

    yang terakhir bagus banget, bisa dibuat pembatas buku..

  2. thengkyu sist-G... hehehe... yang trakir boleh kok kamu donlot trus pake buat pembatas buku... monggo.... ^^
